
Stop Scams !!

We are ready to activate

Class-action - Europe - USA

Service for consumer

Send e-mail to expose the scam that hit your assets. You will receive our written reply. mailto:info

Our services

Actions against Internet Providers, Registrant Manteiners and VPSs.

Financial investigations
against scam entities

WEB Investigation

Assistance against Banks and UAB

About Consulting

Our Consulting service includes a free preliminary analysis of the mechanism the criminals used to carry out the crime against the victim's property and privacy, against civil and criminal regulations , and against the requirements of holding a license to engage in financial activity, against prohibitions to offer investment services.
Our organization will consider the possibility of identifying and tracking financial transactions left behind by capital transfers.

Send a message

Law Firm 
Studio Legale STANCA
Avv Marcello Stanca
Via Vincenzo Bellini 63
50144 Florence - Italy


Ho preso visione e accetto l'informativa sulla privacy

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